Spaced Repetition Studying

This playbook outlines sequential steps to utilize spaced repetition systems (SRS) for enhancing effective studying and improving long-term retention of information.

Step 1: Choose SRS Tool

Select a spaced repetition system tool or software that you prefer, such as Anki, SuperMemo, or Quizlet.

Step 2: Gather Material

Collect all of the study material you need to learn and wish to retain long term.

Step 3: Create Flashcards

Create flashcards for each piece of information or concept you want to remember. These can be questions and answers or facts.

Step 4: Set Schedule

Determine your study schedule, deciding how often you will review the flashcards. Your chosen SRS tool may have recommendations or algorithms to help with scheduling.

Step 5: Commence Studying

Start your study sessions using the SRS tool. Review the flashcards and, based on your performance, the SRS will adjust the intervals for each flashcard.

Step 6: Track Progress

Keep track of your study progress and adjust your study habits as needed. Pay attention to which flashcards you frequently struggle with.

Step 7: Revise and Update

Regularly update your flashcard deck to add new information or to modify existing cards to improve clarity and effectiveness.

General Notes


It's important to maintain consistency in reviewing your flashcards. Try to study at the same time each day for habit formation.

Review Sessions

Keep review sessions short and frequent. Long sessions can lead to fatigue and reduced effectiveness.

Elaborative Learning

In addition to flashcards, try to use the elaborative learning technique: explain concepts in your own words and connect new information with what you already know.