Enhancing Leadership Emotional Intelligence

This playbook outlines strategies for leaders to develop emotional intelligence. The goal is to improve their ability to connect with, understand, and lead their teams effectively.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Initiate the process by having leaders take a reputable emotional intelligence assessment to establish a baseline for their current EQ levels.

Step 2: Feedback Collection

Gather feedback from peers, superiors, and subordinates regarding the leader's emotional intelligence to gain multiple perspectives.

Step 3: Identify Areas

Analyze assessment outcomes and feedback to pinpoint specific areas of emotional intelligence that require development.

Step 4: Set Goals

Create comprehensive development goals related to enhancing emotional competencies in identified areas.

Step 5: Training

Participate in dedicated emotional intelligence training sessions or workshops to learn practical skills.

Step 6: Practice Skills

Implement new emotional intelligence techniques in day-to-day leadership scenarios consistently to build proficiency.

Step 7: Mentorship

Engage with a mentor who excels in emotional intelligence to receive guidance and actionable feedback.

Step 8: Reflect

Regularly reflect on interactions and situations to self-evaluate emotional intelligence growth and further refine skills.

Step 9: Measure Progress

After a period, reassess with the same emotional intelligence assessment and collect follow-up feedback to measure progress.

Step 10: Continuous Learning

Commit to an ongoing pursuit of emotional intelligence improvement, recognizing it as a lifelong development process.

General Notes

EQ Assessments

Favor assessments developed by emotional intelligence experts and avoid overly generic or non-standardized tests.

Confidential Feedback

Ensure that the feedback collected is confidential to encourage honesty and more accurate insights.


Recognize that consistent application of skills is key to making lasting changes in emotional intelligence.

Role of Environment

Understand that developing emotional intelligence can also be influenced by the workplace environment and culture.