Leading by Example

This playbook outlines important steps for a leader to effectively role model the values and behaviors they expect from their team. It emphasizes personal embodiment of desired traits to inspire and guide team members.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Reflect on your own values and behaviors and evaluate how well they align with the standards you expect from your team. Identify areas for personal improvement.

Step 2: Set Goals

Determine specific personal and professional goals related to the values and behaviors you aim to model. Ensure these objectives are measurable, achievable, and time-bound.

Step 3: Develop Habits

Establish daily routines and habits that reinforce the desired values and behaviors. Consistency in these habits will help solidify them as part of your leadership identity.

Step 4: Communicate Expectations

Clearly and consistently communicate your expectations regarding values and behaviors to your team. Use both formal and informal opportunities to reinforce this message.

Step 5: Demonstrate Commitment

Exemplify the values and behaviors in your daily actions and decisions as a leader. Be a visible and active example for your team members to follow.

Step 6: Seek Feedback

Regularly solicit feedback from your team and peers on your performance relative to the modeled values and behaviors. Use this feedback for continued self-improvement.

Step 7: Recognize Alignment

Acknowledge and reward team members who exhibit the values and behaviors you are role modeling. This reinforces the importance and benefits of aligning with these standards.

General Notes


Maintaining consistency in modeling behaviors is key to credibility and effectiveness as a leader.


Authenticity in role modeling is vital for trust and respect. Ensure that the behaviors and values you exhibit are genuine and deeply held.