Leadership Feedback Systems

This playbook outlines steps to establish feedback mechanisms designed to provide actionable insights for leadership development within an organization.

Step 1: Identify Needs

Determine the feedback needs by consulting with organizational stakeholders about the skills and competencies leaders should possess for effective management and growth.

Step 2: Choose Methodologies

Select appropriate feedback methodologies (e.g., 360-degree feedback, performance reviews, surveys) that align with the organization’s culture and the identified development needs.

Step 3: Develop Tools

Create tools and resources, such as feedback forms, surveys, and interview guidelines, to facilitate the collection of feedback.

Step 4: Communicate Purpose

Clearly communicate the purpose, process, and benefits of the feedback system to all participants to ensure understanding and buy-in.

Step 5: Implement System

Roll out the feedback system, ensuring that all leaders receive feedback from a diverse mix of peers, subordinates, and superiors.

Step 6: Analyze Feedback

Collect and analyze the feedback data to identify trends, strengths, and areas for leadership development.

Step 7: Share Insights

Share the feedback results with each leader individually in a constructive manner, focusing on areas for growth rather than solely on weaknesses.

Step 8: Create Action Plans

Work with leaders to create personalized development action plans based on the feedback, including clear goals, strategies, and timelines.

Step 9: Support Development

Provide resources and support, such as coaching, training, and mentoring, to assist leaders in executing their development plans.

Step 10: Monitor Progress

Regularly review each leader’s progress against their development goals and make adjustments to the plans as necessary.

Step 11: Refine System

Periodically evaluate and refine the feedback system to ensure its continued effectiveness and alignment with evolving leadership needs.

General Notes


Ensure that all feedback is handled confidentially to maintain trust and encourage honest participation.

Cultural Sensitivity

Adapt feedback methodologies to be sensitive to the various cultural contexts within the organization.

Continuous Improvement

View the implementation of a feedback system as a continuous improvement process that evolves with the organization.