Effective Meeting Management

This playbook provides leaders with a framework for organizing and conducting meetings that are productive, focused on objectives, and considerate of the time commitments of all attendees.

Step 1: Purpose Definition

Clearly define the purpose and objectives of the meeting. Ensure that these goals are necessary and cannot be achieved through other, less time-consuming means.

Step 2: Agenda Creation

Draft an agenda that outlines the topics to be discussed, along with a time allocation for each item. Share this agenda with participants well in advance of the meeting.

Step 3: Invite Participants

Identify and invite only the necessary participants who can contribute to the meeting objectives. Seek to keep the group size manageable.

Step 4: Time Scheduling

Choose an appropriate time for the meeting that considers the participants' schedules and time zones. Aim to schedule the meeting during periods of lower activity if possible.

Step 5: Preparation Request

Ask participants to come prepared with any required information or materials. Provide them with any background documents or data that will be discussed.

Step 6: Environment Setup

Set up the physical or virtual meeting space to be conducive to discussion and free of distractions. Test any technology or equipment that will be used.

Step 7: Meeting Execution

During the meeting, follow the agenda closely and facilitate discussion to remain on-topic. Allow for equal participation, manage conflicts, and keep track of time.

Step 8: Action Items

Conclude the meeting by summarizing key points and assigning action items with clear responsibilities and deadlines. Confirm understanding and agreement from participants.

Step 9: Follow-up

Send a meeting summary and the list of action items to all participants. Schedule follow-ups if necessary to address outstanding issues or further actions.

General Notes


Leverage meeting management tools and software for scheduling, creating agendas, and sharing documents to streamline the meeting process.


Solicit feedback from participants about the meeting's effectiveness to continuously improve the meeting management process.