Student Mental Health Support

This playbook outlines the steps educators can take to identify and support the mental health and well-being of students within school settings. It includes guidance on recognizing signs, providing support, and advocating for student mental health.

Step 1: Awareness

Increase knowledge and awareness of mental health issues among educators through professional development sessions focused on identifying signs of mental health struggles in students.

Step 2: Observation

Educators should routinely observe students' behavior, performance, and engagement levels to identify any changes or signs of mental health concerns.

Step 3: Support Network

Develop a support network within the school, including school counselors, psychologists, and social workers, to address potential mental health issues.

Step 4: Communication

Establish a line of open communication with students, allowing them to feel safe and comfortable sharing their concerns and struggles.

Step 5: Referral Process

Create and utilize a referral system for students to access professional mental health support within or outside the school.

Step 6: Emergency Protocols

Implement emergency protocols for immediate response to severe mental health crises, including a clear process for involving guardians and healthcare professionals as needed.

Step 7: Advocacy

Advocate for policies and resources at the school and district level to prioritize student mental health, including necessary accommodations and support systems.

Step 8: Ongoing Support

Provide continuous mental health support and interventions as needed, monitoring students' progress and adjusting strategies to meet individual needs.

Step 9: Professional Care

Encourage the utilization of external mental health resources and professionals for students requiring long-term or specialized support.

Step 10: Awareness Campaigns

Organize school-wide mental health awareness campaigns to foster a positive and supportive community atmosphere.

Step 11: Feedback Loop

Establish and maintain a feedback loop among educators, students, support staff, and parents to evaluate the effectiveness of mental health measures and make improvements.

General Notes


Ensure that all procedures and communications adhere to privacy laws and respect the confidentiality of student information.

Cultural Sensitivity

Take into account the cultural, societal, and individual differences when addressing mental health to ensure support is inclusive and effective.