Setting Up Classroom Libraries

This playbook provides a detailed guide to creating and maintaining an effective classroom library that promotes literacy and instills a love for reading among students.

Step 1: Planning

Determine the space for the library considering available room space, accessibility, and visibility. Decide on a categorization system for the books, which could be by genre, reading level, or themes. Plan your library layout, including bookshelves and seating arrangement.

Step 2: Budgeting

Allocate a budget for purchasing books, shelving, and other materials. Explore potential funding sources like grants, donations, or school funds.

Step 3: Sourcing Books

Acquire books through bookstore purchases, second-hand finds, donations, or loan systems. Aim for a diverse selection that caters to various interests and reading levels.

Step 4: Organizing

Label and organize books according to the chosen categorization system. Ensure labels are clear and consistent for easy navigation.

Step 5: Decorating

Make the space inviting with comfortable seating, appropriate lighting, and decorations. Consider students' input for a personalized touch.

Step 6: Implementing Rules

Establish a set of rules for the use and care of the library and books. Teach the rules to students and enforce them consistently.

Step 7: Promoting Usage

Encourage students to use the library through activities, book clubs, or reading challenges. Integrate library time into the regular classroom schedule.

Step 8: Maintenance

Regularly check and repair damaged books, update the book selection, and reorganize as needed. Involve students in the maintenance process to foster a sense of ownership.

General Notes


Ensure the library includes books that reflect the diversity of the student population, representing various cultures, languages, and experiences.


Involve students, parents, and other teachers in the development and upkeep of the library to build a supportive community.