Classroom Behavior Management

This playbook outlines practical steps for teachers to establish, maintain, and restore a conducive learning environment by managing classroom behavior effectively.

Step 1: Set Expectations

Begin by clearly defining and communicating the rules and expectations for behavior in the classroom. This should be done at the start of the school year or term.

Step 2: Engage Students

Develop lesson plans that include engaging activities to keep students interested and focused. Boredom can lead to disruptive behavior.

Step 3: Monitor Behavior

Consistently monitor student behavior by walking around the classroom and observing. Address minor disruptions promptly and discreetly.

Step 4: Reinforce Good Behavior

Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. This can include verbal praise, rewards, or a points system that leads to a larger reward.

Step 5: Address Issues

When a student misbehaves, address the issue immediately but calmly. Use non-confrontational methods and keep the focus on the behavior, not the student.

Step 6: Implement Consequences

Have a clear system of consequences for when rules are broken. Ensure they are fair, consistent, and followed through every time.

Step 7: Restore Order

If classroom order is disrupted, prioritize restoring it through strategies like taking a short break, redirecting focus, or if necessary, removing a disruptive student.

Step 8: Reflect and Adjust

Regularly reflect on the effectiveness of your behavior management strategies and be willing to adjust your approach as needed for different students and situations.

General Notes


Before the school year or term starts, prepare your classroom rules and consequences. Develop engaging lessons and gather materials for positive reinforcement.


Be consistent in implementing rules and consequences to prevent confusion and ensure fairness.


Maintain open lines of communication with students, parents, and other teachers to support behavior management efforts.