Kids' Jewelry Making

This playbook outlines a simple and safe approach to jewelry making that is suitable for children. It guides through the basic projects and techniques children can use to create their own jewelry pieces.

Step 1: Gather Materials

Collect all the necessary materials for the jewelry project, ensuring they are kid-friendly and safe. These could include plastic beads, elastic strings, thread, safety scissors, and non-toxic glue.

Step 2: Choose Design

Help the children decide on a jewelry design. Offer them ideas for simple projects such as beaded necklaces, friendship bracelets, or elastic rings.

Step 3: Prep Workspace

Set up a clean and spacious workspace. Lay out all materials within easy reach and cover the surface to protect it from spills or glue.

Step 4: String Beads

If the project involves beading, demonstrate how to thread beads onto string or elastic. Assist the children in doing this step until they feel confident to continue on their own.

Step 5: Assemble Jewelry

Guide the children through the process of assembling the jewelry pieces. This may include tying knots, attaching clasps, or securing decorative elements with glue.

Step 6: Final Touches

Encourage children to add any final touches to personalize their jewelry, such as adding pendants or creating a pattern with the beads.

Step 7: Cleanup

Once the jewelry pieces are finished, clean up the workspace together. Store any remaining materials and dispose of any waste appropriately.

General Notes


Ensure that all materials used are safe and appropriate for the children’s age group. Be especially careful with younger children who may put small objects in their mouths.


Always provide close supervision when children are working on their jewelry projects, especially when they're using scissors or other potentially sharp tools.


Offer positive reinforcement and encouragement throughout the process to keep children engaged and proud of their creations.