Sector Rotation Strategy

This playbook describes the process by which investors can implement a sector rotation strategy to take advantage of evolving economic cycles and market trends to potentially enhance investment returns.

Step 1: Economic Analysis

Understand the current phase of the economic cycle by analyzing economic indicators such as GDP growth rates, interest rates, consumer confidence, and employment statistics.

Step 2: Market Trends

Review market trends and historical performance data to identify which sectors typically perform well during the current economic phase.

Step 3: Sector Selection

Select the sectors that are expected to outperform the market based on the analysis from the previous steps.

Step 4: Investment Review

Evaluate existing investments and consider rebalancing the portfolio by increasing allocation to the selected sectors while reducing exposure to others.

Step 5: Trade Execution

Execute trades to reposition the investment portfolio, buying into selected sectors and selling others to align with the sector rotation strategy.

Step 6: Performance Monitoring

Regularly monitor the performance of the sectors and the overall economy, being prepared to make adjustments as economic conditions evolve.

Step 7: Adjust Strategy

Based on ongoing analysis and performance data, adjust the sector rotation strategy by reallocating assets to optimize the portfolio for current and forecasted economic conditions.

General Notes


It is important to maintain portfolio diversification to manage risk, even when implementing a sector rotation strategy.

Risk Assessment

Investors should assess their risk tolerance and investment horizon before significantly altering their portfolio based on a sector rotation strategy.

Periodic Review

The strategy requires periodic review and adjustment as the economic cycle progresses and as individual sectors' performance can deviate from historical patterns.