Investment Diversification Strategies

This playbook outlines the sequential steps to diversify investments across multiple asset classes to reduce overall risk. It aims to provide a structured approach to creating a balanced portfolio.

Step 1: Review Portfolio

Evaluate the current investment portfolio to understand the existing asset allocation and identify areas of concentration risk.

Step 2: Set Goals

Define investment goals and risk tolerance to guide the diversification strategy.

Step 3: Asset Allocation

Decide on the target asset allocation that aligns with investment goals, considering various classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash.

Step 4: Research

Conduct research on different asset classes and investment opportunities within each class to identify potential investments.

Step 5: Investment Selection

Choose specific investments to build a diversified portfolio, ensuring they fit within the target asset allocation and risk profile.

Step 6: Rebalancing

Establish a schedule for regular portfolio reviews and rebalancing to maintain the desired asset allocation over time.

General Notes

Continuous Monitoring

Diversification strategies require ongoing monitoring to adapt to market changes and personal financial changes.

Diversification Limits

Keep in mind that while diversification helps to reduce unsystematic risk, it does not eliminate systematic risk and does not guarantee against loss.