Managing Pre-Interview Anxiety

This playbook provides strategies to alleviate stress and anxiety before and during a job interview. It includes preparatory steps, relaxation techniques, and tips for maintaining composure.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather information about the company, role, and interviewers. Prepare answers to common interview questions and your questions for the interviewer. Conduct mock interviews with friends or family to build confidence.

Step 2: Visualization

Imagine a successful interview experience. Visualize entering the room, greeting the interviewers, confidently answering questions, and leaving the interview knowing you've done your best.

Step 3: Relaxation Techniques

Implement relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or listening to soothing music to reduce anxiety levels before the interview.

Step 4: Sleep and Nutrition

Get a good night's sleep prior to the interview day and eat a balanced meal to ensure you're physically ready and energized.

Step 5: Arrival Strategy

Plan to arrive early but not too early. Allow for some extra time in case of delays. Find a quiet spot upon arrival to review your notes and relax.

Step 6: Body Language

Be conscious of your body language during the interview. Maintain eye contact, sit up straight, and show enthusiasm through your gestures and expressions.

Step 7: Positive Self-talk

Use affirmations and positive self-talk to boost your confidence just before and during the interview.

Step 8: Post-Interview Review

After the interview, review what went well and what could be improved. This exercise helps reduce anxiety for future interviews by acknowledging successes and identifying areas for growth.

General Notes


Ensure your interview attire is chosen well in advance and is appropriate for the company's culture.

Backup Plan

Have a backup plan for transportation in case of unexpected issues on the day of the interview.


If you're overwhelmed during the interview, take a moment to ground yourself with a deep breath or a sip of water.