Solo Figure Skating Essentials

This playbook outlines the fundamental elements of solo figure skating, covering key techniques such as jumps and spins. It provides a structured approach to learning and mastering the basic components of the sport for individual skaters.

Step 1: Get Equipped

Acquire the appropriate figure skating gear, including well-fitted skates, comfortable attire that allows for movement and warmth, and safety equipment like gloves and pads.

Step 2: Warm-Up

Perform a thorough warm-up off the ice to increase blood flow and mobility. This should include dynamic stretching and exercises targeting muscles used in figure skating.

Step 3: On-Ice Basics

Start with on-ice basics by practicing falling and recovering, stopping, forward and backward crossovers, and turns.

Step 4: Basic Edges

Learn basic edge work by practicing inside and outside edges on both feet, developing balance, control, and understanding of the blade's edges.

Step 5: Jumps Fundamentals

Progress to basic jumps, such as the waltz jump, and work through the six foundational jumps of figure skating: toe loop, salchow, loop, flip, lutz, and axel.

Step 6: Spins Technique

Learn spinning by starting with the basic two-foot spin and advancing to more complex one-foot spins and variations like sit spins and camel spins.

Step 7: Combining Elements

Begin to combine jumps and spins with other skating elements, focusing on smooth transitions and maintaining flow throughout routines.

Step 8: Choreography

Work on the choreography by interpreting the music and incorporating expressive movements and footwork into programs.

Step 9: Routine Practice

Regularly practice entire routines to build stamina and polish performance details, paying attention to timing, precision, and artistic expression.

Step 10: Feedback and Refinement

Seek feedback from coaches and peers, and use it to refine techniques, optimize performance, and improve overall presentation.

General Notes

Safety Precautions

Always prioritize safety when on the ice by being mindful of your surroundings and other skaters, and by wearing protective gear.


Consider hiring a coach for personalized guidance, especially for techniques like jumps and spins which can be complex and challenging to learn on one's own.

Physical Fitness

Maintain good physical fitness off the ice with strength training, flexibility exercises, and cardiovascular workouts to support on-ice performance.