First Triathlon Training

This training plan is intended for individuals preparing for their first triathlon. It outlines a structured approach to prepare for all three segments of the event: swimming, cycling, and running.

Step 1: Assessment

Begin by assessing your current fitness level for each triathlon discipline. Swim a few laps in a pool, go for a bike ride, and run a comfortable distance. Note how you feel during each activity, your level of comfort, and any areas for improvement.

Step 2: Goal Setting

Set realistic goals for your first triathlon, including completing the race or achieving a particular time. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Step 3: Equipment Check

Make sure you have the necessary equipment for training: a swimsuit, goggles, a roadworthy bicycle, a cycling helmet, and a good pair of running shoes. Consider a wetsuit if the swim event is in open water.

Step 4: Training Plan

Create a training plan that gradually builds intensity and volume in each sport. An example structure could include swim workouts 2-3 times per week, cycle 2-3 times per week, and run 3-4 times per week, with rest days as needed.

Step 5: Nutrition & Hydration

Develop a balanced diet that supports your increased energy needs, and ensure proper hydration during and after workouts. Consider consulting a sports nutritionist.

Step 6: Strength & Flexibility

Incorporate strength training and flexibility exercises into your routine 1-2 times per week to help prevent injury and improve overall athletic performance.

Step 7: Brick Workouts

Add 'brick' workouts to your plan—back-to-back training sessions of different disciplines, such as a bike ride followed immediately by a run, to simulate transition phases.

Step 8: Recovery

Prioritize recovery with adequate sleep, rest days, and active recovery sessions. Listen to your body and adjust your training plan if you're feeling fatigued or injured.

Step 9: Test Events

Participate in shorter distance races or organized events to familiarize yourself with the racing environment and address any pre-race anxiety.

Step 10: Race Day Prep

During the week before the event, taper your training, gather all the necessary gear, and familiarize yourself with the race course and rules. Plan your race day nutrition and transitions.

Step 11: Perform

On race day, execute your plan. Stay calm, focus on your technique, and pace yourself. Remember to hydrate and consume any planned nutrition.

General Notes


Always prioritize safety during training and racing. Wear a helmet while cycling, swim with a partner or in lifeguarded areas, and run in safe, well-lit places.

Medical Check

Before embarking on the training, get a health check-up from a medical professional to ensure you're fit for the rigorous training ahead.


Consider joining a triathlon club or community to find support, camaraderie, and shared expertise.


Hiring a coach or seeking guidance from experienced triathletes can provide personalized advice and help you avoid common training mistakes.


Remember to enjoy the process of training and participating in your first triathlon. It should be a rewarding and fun experience.