Disc Golf Basics

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide for beginners to learn the essential aspects of disc golf. It covers throwing techniques, understanding the rules, and proper etiquette on the course.

Step 1: Learn Rules

Start by familiarizing yourself with the basic rules of disc golf. Understand how to score, the order of play, and what constitutes a penalty. Official rules can be found through the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA).

Step 2: Grip Techniques

Study and practice the various grip techniques such as the backhand and forehand grips. Each throwing style has a unique grip that can provide better control and accuracy.

Step 3: Throwing Basics

Learn the foundational throwing techniques. Start with the backhand throw, then proceed to learn the forehand throw, and other specialty throws like the hammer or tomahawk if interested.

Step 4: Putting Practice

Practice putting by aiming at the basket from various distances. Focus on stance, grip, and arm movement to improve precision and consistency.

Step 5: Field Work

Engage in field practice to work on distance, accuracy, and control. Use open fields to practice and refine your driving and approach shots without the pressure of an actual game.

Step 6: Course Play

Play on an actual disc golf course to experience different layouts and obstacles. Apply the skills and knowledge you've gained from practice in a real game setting.

Step 7: Study Etiquette

Learn and observe the proper etiquette which includes not distracting players, yielding to faster groups, and respect for the course by not littering and causing damage.

General Notes

Safety First

Always be aware of your surroundings and other players on the course to prevent injuries.


Join local disc golf communities or clubs to learn from more experienced players and participate in events.