Beginners' Skiing Guide

This guide is designed to help beginners learn the basics of skiing. It covers essential equipment, fundamental moves, and key safety precautions to take when starting out.

Step 1: Equipment

Acquire the necessary skiing equipment, including skis, ski boots, bindings, ski poles, a helmet, goggles, and appropriate winter clothing.

Step 2: Fitting

Ensure all equipment, especially ski boots, fits comfortably and securely. Visit a ski shop for professional fitting if possible.

Step 3: Basic Moves

Learn the basic skiing movements such as the pizza (plow stop) for slowing down, the french fries (parallel skis) for gliding, and how to turn.

Step 4: Flat Terrain

Practice these basic moves on flat terrain before progressing to sloped terrain.

Step 5: Safety Rules

Familiarize yourself with the skier's responsibility code and safety rules of the slopes.

Step 6: Sloped Terrain

Begin skiing on gentle slopes and gradually progress to steeper terrain as your confidence and skills improve.

Step 7: Lessons

Consider taking lessons from a certified ski instructor to improve technique and ensure safety.

General Notes


Remember to stay hydrated and take breaks as needed, especially at higher altitudes where dehydration can occur more quickly.

Sun Protection

Use sunscreen and lip balm with SPF, even on cloudy days, as UV radiation is stronger at higher altitudes and snow reflects sunlight.