Advanced Table Tennis Techniques

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide on mastering advanced table tennis techniques. It focuses on enhancing your spin skills and serving methods to elevate your game.

Step 1: Grip & Stance

Adopt the correct grip for your playing style, such as shakehand or penhold, and ensure your stance is balanced and flexible, ready to move in any direction.

Step 2: Forehand Spin

Practice the forehand topspin by brushing up against the ball with a closed racket angle. Execute the shot with a full arm motion, starting low and finishing high.

Step 3: Backhand Spin

For the backhand topspin, use your wrist more actively and flick your wrist forward at the point of contact for more spin.

Step 4: Sidespin

Learn sidespin by striking the ball on the left or right sides with your racket at the start or end of a sweep stroke, for left and right sidespin respectively.

Step 5: Serve Techniques

Enhance your serves by varying spin and placement. Practice the pendulum, reverse pendulum, tomahawk, and backhand serves with different spin variations.

Step 6: Spin Variation

Incorporate different levels of spin in your shots to confuse your opponent. This includes varying the speed, amount of spin, and type (topspin, backspin, sidespin).

Step 7: Game Strategy

Develop a strategic approach by observing your opponent's weaknesses and adapting your advanced techniques to exploit them, such as using certain spins to their weaker side.

Step 8: Consistency Drills

Regularly drill the techniques to improve consistency. Repetition will help you perform spins and serves reliably during a match.

Step 9: Match Practice

Participate in practice matches to apply these techniques in real game scenarios. Focus on incorporating advanced spins and strategic serving into your game play.

General Notes


Use a high-quality table tennis racket that suits your playing style to effectively produce and counter spins.

Mental Preparation

Stay focused and anticipate your opponent's returns when using advanced techniques to maintain the upper hand.