Succession Planning Strategies

This playbook provides guidelines for ensuring a smooth transition in leadership and critical roles within an organization. It defines a structure for identifying and preparing potential successors.

Step 1: Identify Key Roles

Create a list of critical roles within the organization that are vital to its operation and success.

Step 2: Assess Competencies

Determine the competencies, skills, and experience required for each critical role identified.

Step 3: Develop Talent Pool

Identify and assess potential internal candidates within the organization that could rise to fill these roles. Consider external recruitment if necessary.

Step 4: Create Development Plans

For each potential successor, develop a tailored plan that addresses their unique developmental needs and prepares them for future roles.

Step 5: Implement Training

Execute the development plans through training, mentoring, coaching, and giving practical experiences to the identified candidates.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

Regularly review and adjust the development plans and training, ensuring alignment with the evolving requirements of the organization.

Step 7: Plan Transition

Establish a formal transition process for when a critical role becomes vacant, including the timing and support required for the successor to take over.

Step 8: Communicate Plan

Ensure transparent and continuous communication with all stakeholders regarding the succession planning process and any upcoming leadership transitions.

Step 9: Review and Update

Conduct periodic reviews of the succession plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective, making adjustments as needed based on changes within the organization.

General Notes

Stakeholder Involvement

Engage with key stakeholders throughout the planning process to get support and ensure expectations are aligned.


Maintain confidentiality where appropriate, as succession planning can be sensitive to current leadership and team dynamics.

Diversity Considerations

Strive for diversity in the identification and development of successors to strengthen the organization’s leadership pool.

Emergency Successions

Establish emergency succession plans for unforeseen circumstances that require immediate action to ensure continuity.