Crafting Job Descriptions

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to write clear and compelling job descriptions to attract qualified candidates. It covers the preparation, writing, and review process.

Step 1: Analyze Needs

Assess the requirements of the position by considering its key responsibilities, desired qualifications, and the profile of the ideal candidate.

Step 2: Research

Gather information about similar positions, industry standards, and current trends to ensure the job description is competitive and accurate.

Step 3: Structure

Organize the job description into clearly defined sections such as position overview, responsibilities, qualifications, and company information.

Step 4: Draft Content

Begin writing the draft. Highlight the key responsibilities, skills, qualifications, and experiences needed for the role. Keep the tone professional yet welcoming.

Step 5: Use Keywords

Incorporate relevant industry keywords that potential candidates might use when searching for job opportunities to improve the discoverability of your posting.

Step 6: Focus Clarity

Ensure the job description is clear and to the point. Avoid jargon and be specific about the job expectations and requirements.

Step 7: Add Company Culture

Describe the company culture and any additional benefits to attract candidates who fit well with the organization’s ethos and values.

Step 8: Review

Proofread the job description for errors, and ensure it aligns with the company's policies and ethos. Have it reviewed by the HR department and related team leaders.

Step 9: Revise

Make necessary revisions based on feedback to refine the job description.

Step 10: Approval

Obtain final approval for the job description from the relevant authorities within the company.

Step 11: Publish

Post the finalized job description on relevant platforms including job boards, social media, and your company website.

General Notes

Legal Compliance

Ensure that the job description complies with all applicable labor and anti-discrimination laws.


Avoid divulging sensitive company information in the job description.

Feedback Loop

Be open to receiving and integrating constructive criticism to continuously improve upon the job description.