Passive Solar Heating Design

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide on how to design homes using passive solar heating techniques. The goal is to minimize external energy needs by maximizing the use of solar energy for heating purposes.

Step 1: Site Analysis

Conduct an analysis of the building site. Consider factors such as local climate, solar access, and landscape features that might impact the solar potential. Determine the solar path to ensure the design maximizes exposure to sunlight during the heating season.

Step 2: Orientation Planning

Plan the orientation of the building to increase solar gain. Ideally, the longest wall should face within 30 degrees of true south in the northern hemisphere, or true north in the southern hemisphere, to capture the most solar energy when the sun is at a lower angle in the sky.

Step 3: Window Placement

Design window placement strategically, with larger, high-performance windows on the sun-facing side. Use smaller windows on the east, west, and especially the north sides to minimize heat loss.

Step 4: Material Selection

Choose materials with high thermal mass for floors and walls that are exposed to sunlight. These materials, such as concrete, brick, or stone, absorb heat during the day and release it slowly when temperatures drop.

Step 5: Insulation Optimization

Incorporate proper insulation in the building design to reduce heat loss. Pay particular attention to insulating the roof, north-facing walls, and the floor to maintain a stable interior temperature.

Step 6: Overhang Design

Design overhangs or other shading devices above south-facing windows to block summer sun when it is high in the sky, thus preventing overheating, while allowing winter sun to enter when it is low.

Step 7: Natural Ventilation

Facilitate natural ventilation to cool the building when necessary. Implement design features like operable windows, vents, and other openings that allow for cross-ventilation.

General Notes

Climate Considerations

It is crucial to tailor passive solar design techniques to the specific climate and weather patterns of the area. In some climates, passive cooling techniques might be just as important as passive heating strategies.

Building Codes

Ensure all aspects of the design comply with local building codes and regulations, which may impact window size, orientation, and other design factors.

Professional Assessment

Consider consulting with a professional who specializes in energy-efficient design to optimize the passive solar heating potential for the specific site and building project.