Low-Impact Development Strategy

This playbook describes the sequential steps to design and implement a low-impact development (LID) for sustainable building. It aims to preserve natural site hydrology and reduce the environmental footprint through mindful construction and planning practices.

Step 1: Site Analysis

Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the site to understand the natural land contours, soil type, existing vegetation, waterways, and wildlife. Use this information to inform all subsequent planning and development activities, minimizing alteration to the natural state.

Step 2: Design Planning

Create a design plan that integrates sustainable practices, such as green roofs, permeable pavements, and rain gardens. The design should prioritize the conservation of existing natural features and ecosystems.

Step 3: Stormwater Management

Implement stormwater management techniques that mimic natural hydrology. Utilize solutions like bioretention cells, swales, and infiltration basins to manage runoff, reduce erosion, and increase groundwater recharge.

Step 4: Construction Practices

Adopt construction practices that minimize land disturbance. Use construction materials that have a lower environmental impact and recycle or reuse materials whenever possible.

Step 5: Landscape Integration

Landscape the site using native vegetation that requires minimal irrigation and maintenance. Enhance biodiversity by creating habitats, such as birdhouses and butterfly gardens, and use organic fertilizers and pesticides.

Step 6: Post-Construction

After construction, conduct monitoring to ensure LID measures are functioning correctly. Develop a maintenance plan for the long-term care of LID features to ensure their effectiveness and sustainability.

General Notes

Public Involvement

Ensure engagement with local communities and stakeholders during planning and implementation to promote public understanding and support for the LID project.

Regulatory Compliance

Be aware of local, state, and federal regulations related to construction, water quality, and land use to ensure the LID project is in compliance with all legal requirements.

Continuous Improvement

Stay informed on the latest sustainable technologies and practices to continuously improve the performance and impact of LID projects.