Charity-Business Partnership Development

This playbook describes the sequential steps required to form effective partnerships between charities and businesses, with the aim of enhancing mutual benefits and amplifying social impact.

Step 1: Research

Identify potential business partners by researching companies that align with the charity's mission and have a history of social engagement or corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Step 2: Outreach

Initiate contact with the potential business partners through personalized communications, outlining the charity's objectives and the benefits of the partnership.

Step 3: Presentation

Prepare and deliver a thorough presentation to the interested businesses that includes your charity's goals, success stories, demographic data, and a clear explanation of how the partnership can be mutually beneficial.

Step 4: Proposal

Develop a tailored partnership proposal for the business that outlines the specific terms, projected outcomes, and roles and responsibilities of each party.

Step 5: Negotiation

Engage in a negotiation process with the business to finalize the partnership's terms, ensuring both the charity's needs and the business's expectations are met.

Step 6: Agreement

Draft a formal partnership agreement capturing all agreed terms, securing legal review if necessary, and obtaining signatures from both parties to ratify the partnership.

Step 7: Execution

Implement the partnership according to the agreed-upon terms, initiating any planned programs, projects, or events and establishing a communication strategy to manage and grow the relationship.

Step 8: Evaluation

Regularly assess the effectiveness of the partnership through performance metrics and feedback, making adjustments as required to meet objectives and maximize impact.

Step 9: Report

Provide regular updates to the business partner in the form of progress reports, acknowledging their contribution and highlighting successes and areas of improvement.

Step 10: Renew

As the partnership term nears conclusion, review the outcomes and negotiate terms for renewal, expansion, or conclusion of the partnership based on the achieved results and future goals.

General Notes


Be prepared to adapt the partnership model as the charity's and business's goals evolve over time, maintaining flexibility to ensure the relationship remains relevant and beneficial.


Ensure transparency throughout the partnership lifecycle, maintaining open lines of communication and honest reporting to foster trust and long-term cooperation.


Acknowledge the support of the business publicly when possible, as appropriate recognition can enhance their brand and encourage ongoing or increased support.