First Aid Training Playbook

This playbook outlines the steps to acquire training and certification in first aid, CPR, and other emergency response skills. It serves as a guide for anyone seeking to be prepared for medical emergencies through preventative healthcare and first aid training.

Step 1: Research

Investigate local and online options for first aid and CPR training. Look for accredited organizations like the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.

Step 2: Choose Course

Select a course that matches your needs. Consider factors like course content, cost, duration, and certification validity period.

Step 3: Register

Sign up for the chosen course. Complete any necessary pre-registration forms and pay any associated fees.

Step 4: Attend Training

Participate in the training sessions. Pay careful attention to the instructions, engage in practical exercises, and take notes for future reference.

Step 5: Practice Skills

Regularly review and practice the skills learned during the training. This could include practicing CPR on a mannequin or applying bandages.

Step 6: Certification Exam

Take the certification exam if it is required by the training program. Ensure you are well-prepared by studying your notes and any provided literature.

Step 7: Maintain Certification

Keep track of the expiration date of your certification and renew it as necessary by retaking the course or through continued education credits.

General Notes


Be aware that first aid and CPR certifications typically expire after two years, requiring re-certification.


Practical hands-on experience is essential for mastering first aid skills. Make sure the course you choose includes a practical component.


Understand the Good Samaritan laws in your area, which may protect individuals who provide first aid while acting in good faith.


Stay informed about updates to first aid and CPR guidelines, as these can change based on new medical research.