Choking Emergency Response

This playbook outlines the steps to assist a choking adult or child through back blows and abdominal thrusts, which are crucial actions to dislodge an obstruction in the airway.

Step 1: Assess Situation

Check if the individual is able to speak, cough, or breathe, and confirm that they are actually choking.

Step 2: Call for Help

If the individual is unable to cough, speak, or breathe, immediately call for emergency medical services or direct someone else to do so.

Step 3: Back Blows

Stand behind the person and deliver five sharp back blows between the individual’s shoulder blades with the heel of your hand to dislodge the object.

Step 4: Abdominal Thrusts

If back blows don't work, perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver). Stand behind the person, wrap your arms around their waist, tilt their body forward, and give five quick and upward thrusts.

Step 5: Repeat Steps

Continue alternating five back blows and five abdominal thrusts until the obstruction is dislodged or until the individual begins to cough forcefully, speak, or breathe.

Step 6: Unresponsive Individual

If the person becomes unresponsive, begin CPR with chest compressions and rescue breaths. Check the mouth periodically for the obstruction and remove any visible objects.

General Notes

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