Emergency Medical Preparedness

This playbook provides guidance on managing medical conditions and ensuring access to necessary medications during emergency situations.

Step 1: Plan Ahead

Identify all medical needs such as daily medications, necessary medical supplies, and any medical devices that are essential for health. Create a comprehensive list including dosage, frequency, and any storage requirements.

Step 2: Create a Kit

Prepare an emergency medical kit that includes at least a week's supply of medications, copies of prescriptions, a list of medical conditions and allergies, and any pertinent medical information such as an advanced directive or a power of attorney for healthcare.

Step 3: Consult Professionals

Talk to healthcare providers about a plan for managing medical conditions during an emergency, especially if treatment requires regular clinic visits or there is a reliance on medical devices that need power.

Step 4: Emergency Refills

Learn about the laws in your area regarding emergency refills of prescriptions during disasters. Some regions allow pharmacies to issue a 30-day emergency refill of medications without a doctor's confirmation in the event of a declared emergency.

Step 5: Power Considerations

If you depend on electricity for medical devices, establish a backup power plan. This could include having a generator, extra batteries, or making arrangements to relocate to a location with power if necessary.

Step 6: Stay Informed

Keep abreast of emergency procedures by regularly checking local news, weather alerts, and instructions from local authorities. Have a list of emergency contacts, including doctors, pharmacies, and local emergency services.

Step 7: Practice Drills

Regularly run drills to ensure that you and your family know what to do during different types of emergencies, such as power outages, natural disasters, or mandatory evacuations.

Step 8: Update Regularly

Revisit and update your plan, medical kit, and emergency contacts regularly, at least annually or whenever there is a change in medical condition, treatment, or medication.

General Notes

Special Needs

Individuals with special needs or those who require caregiver assistance should tailor their emergency plans to accommodate these factors.

Communication Plan

Establish a communication plan with family, friends, and caregivers, outlining how to stay in touch or where to meet during an emergency.

Medical ID

Wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a card that contains important health information, which can assist first responders in case you are unable to communicate your needs.