Emergency Information Kit Creation

This playbook outlines the steps to create a portable emergency information kit. It will ensure you have all critical documents and essential information readily available in case of an emergency.

Step 1: Gather Documents

Collect all critical documents such as personal identification (ID, passport, birth certificate), insurance policies, medical records, deeds, and legal paperwork.

Step 2: Make Copies

Create photocopies of all the critical documents. If possible, make electronic copies as well.

Step 3: Secure Storage

Place the original documents in a secure, fireproof, and waterproof container to protect them from potential damage.

Step 4: Prepare Kit

Pack the photocopies along with other emergency items, such as a list of emergency contacts, medications, and a small amount of cash, into a portable and durable bag or backpack.

Step 5: Digital Backup

Store the electronic copies of your documents on a secure cloud storage service or on a flash drive that you can include in your emergency kit.

Step 6: Accessibility

Ensure that the kit is easily accessible in your home and that all household members know its location. Consider keeping a secondary kit in your car or at your workplace.

Step 7: Review

Regularly review and update the contents of your emergency information kit, especially the documents, to ensure they are current and valid.

General Notes


Be mindful of personal data privacy when creating digital copies of sensitive documents. Use password protection and encryption when storing them electronically.

Local Regulations

Check local regulations or guidelines on what specific documents should be included in an emergency information kit for your area.