Disaster Preparedness for Children

This playbook outlines strategies for parents and caregivers to educate children about emergencies. It provides a structured approach to discuss, plan, and practice emergency procedures suitable for different scenarios involving children.

Step 1: Discussion

Start with an open and age-appropriate discussion about the types of emergencies that can occur. Explain the importance of staying safe and the basics of emergency procedures.

Step 2: Planning

Involve the children in creating a detailed emergency plan. Include escape routes, meeting points, and roles for each family member. Make sure the plan is easy to understand and remember.

Step 3: Contact Information

Teach children important contact information, such as emergency phone numbers, parents' full names, and home address. For young children, consider using a contact information bracelet or card.

Step 4: Safety Skills

Educate children on basic safety skills, such as how to dial 911, basic first aid, and how to recognize safe strangers or locations if they need to ask for help.

Step 5: Drills

Conduct regular emergency drills for different scenarios (fire, earthquake, etc.) to ensure children understand what to do and can act instinctively. Praise them for following the plan correctly.

Step 6: Emergency Kits

Assemble emergency kits together. Let children include personal items that will comfort them during a crisis. Explain the purpose of each item included in the emergency kit.

Step 7: Review and Update

Periodically review and update the emergency plan and procedures with the children to accommodate any changes, such as a new home, school, or family members.

General Notes


Throughout the process, provide reassurance to maintain a calm and supportive environment. Avoid inducing fear while emphasizing the importance of preparedness.

Child Participation

Encourage active participation from the children in every step to enhance their engagement and understanding of emergency preparedness.

Information Updates

Keep contact information and emergency kits updated, especially as children grow and their needs change.