Pet Tarantula Care Guide

This guide provides a comprehensive outline for proper care of a pet tarantula, addressing critical factors like housing conditions, humidity levels, dietary needs, and handling safety, to ensure a healthy and comfortable life for the spider.

Step 1: Habitat Setup

Choose an appropriate terrarium that is at least three times the leg-span of the tarantula in both width and height. Add a layer of substrate, such as coconut fiber or peat moss, to maintain adequate humidity and facilitate burrowing.

Step 2: Temperature Control

Maintain the terrarium at a temperature between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit using a heating pad or lamp. Monitor with a reliable thermometer and adjust as needed to provide a consistent and comfortable environment.

Step 3: Humidity Maintenance

Ensure the terrarium humidity level stays between 60% and 80%. Use a hygrometer to monitor levels. Lightly mist the substrate as needed, but avoid making it too damp, as over-humidification can lead to bacterial and fungal growth.

Step 4: Diet & Feeding

Feed your tarantula live insects, such as crickets or roaches, every 2 to 3 days. The amount and frequency will depend on the tarantula's size and species. Remove uneaten prey after 24 hours to prevent stress and potential harm to your spider.

Step 5: Safe Handling

Handle your tarantula gently and infrequently to minimize stress. Use slow movements and never hold the spider from a significant height, as falls can be fatal. Always wash your hands before and after handling to prevent the spread of bacteria.

General Notes

Water Provision

Provide a shallow water dish with fresh water at all times, ensuring it's shallow enough to prevent drowning. Change the water and clean the dish regularly to maintain hygiene.

Health Monitoring

Regularly check your tarantula for signs of stress or illness, such as a lack of appetite, lethargy, or unusual molting patterns. Seek advice from an exotic veterinarian if you notice any concerning symptoms.

Molting Care

During the molting process, avoid feeding and handling your tarantula. Ensure the humidity is at the correct level to facilitate a successful molt. Provide a stress-free environment by minimizing disturbances.