Chameleon Terrarium Setup

This playbook details the process of creating an appropriate habitat for a pet chameleon. It encompasses the selection of a proper terrarium, installation of lighting and temperature controls, and the arrangement of plants to mimic the chameleon's natural environment.

Step 1: Terrarium Selection

Choose a terrarium that is at least three times the length of your chameleon in height and that provides adequate ventilation.

Step 2: Substrate Add

Line the bottom of the terrarium with a suitable substrate such as coconut fiber or reptile carpet to retain moisture and facilitate cleaning.

Step 3: Plant Arrangement

Add live plants that are non-toxic to chameleons to offer hiding spots and to maintain humidity, such as Ficus, Pothos or Schefflera.

Step 4: Lighting Installation

Install UVB lighting fixtures to support calcium metabolism and a basking light to provide a warmth gradient within the terrarium.

Step 5: Climate Control

Set up a thermostat-controlled heat source to keep the terrarium temperature between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-27 degrees Celsius) during the day and slightly cooler at night.

Step 6: Humidity Maintenance

Install a misting system or regularly mist the terrarium by hand to maintain a humidity level between 50% and 70%, mimicking the chameleon's natural rainforest habitat.

Step 7: Final Check

Ensure all equipment is securely installed and functioning correctly. Monitor the temperature and humidity for a day before introducing your chameleon to its new home.

General Notes

Safety Precaution

Make certain that all wires and electrical equipment are set up in a way that does not pose a risk of injury to the chameleon or a fire hazard.

Plant Selection

When selecting plants, make sure they are safe and non-toxic to your chameleon. Avoid plants known to be poisonous to reptiles.


Allow your chameleon to gradually acclimate to its new environment. Minimize handling during the first few days to reduce stress.