Live Streaming Event Setup

This playbook outlines the procedural steps essential for setting up and administering high-quality live streams tailored for events. It aims to guide through the technical and strategic aspects to enhance online attendee experiences.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary equipment for the live stream, including a reliable camera, microphone, lighting, encoder, and a stable internet connection. Test everything in advance to ensure compatibility and proper functioning.

Step 2: Platform Choice

Select an appropriate live streaming platform that suits the event's needs. Consider factors like audience size, interactivity features, and streaming reliability.

Step 3: Visual Planning

Design the live stream's visual elements. Prepare graphics, lower thirds, and overlays. Ensure the event branding is consistent and visible.

Step 4: Sound Check

Conduct a thorough sound check. Test all microphones, audio sources, and sound levels to make sure the audio is clear and free from interference.

Step 5: Lighting Setup

Set up the lighting strategically to enhance the visual quality of the stream. Ensure the subject is well-lit and background distractions are minimized.

Step 6: Rehearsal

Run a full rehearsal of the event as it will be live-streamed. This includes testing transitions, video playback, and any interactive elements.

Step 7: Streaming Protocol

Establish a clear protocol for managing the live stream, including roles for each team member, cues for switching scenes, and a process for addressing technical difficulties.

Step 8: Engagement Strategy

Plan for audience engagement during the live stream by incorporating Q&A sessions, live polls, or real-time social media interactions.

Step 9: Backup Plan

Create a backup plan in case of technical issues. Have spare equipment ready and know the steps to quickly switch over if something fails.

Step 10: Post-Event Review

After the event, review the live stream's performance. Gather feedback from attendees and analyze any technical issues that occurred to improve for future events.

General Notes

Internet Speed

Ensure the internet connection is sufficient for streaming high-quality video. A wired connection is preferable over wireless for stability.


Record the live stream as a backup and for post-event on-demand viewing.


Provide closed captions or live transcription services to make the event more accessible.