Incorporating AR into Events

This playbook describes a step-by-step approach to integrating augmented reality (AR) features into events. It aims to enhance attendee engagement by providing immersive experiences through the thoughtful implementation of AR technology.

Step 1: Objective Setting

Determine the goals for incorporating AR into the event. Decide what kind of experience you want to provide and how AR can help enhance the event for attendees.

Step 2: Technology Assessment

Evaluate and select appropriate AR technology and platforms. Consider factors such as compatibility with existing systems, ease of use, and the level of immersion they provide.

Step 3: Content Creation

Develop the AR content that will be featured at the event. This may include 3D models, animations, interactive games, or informative overlays that align with the event's theme.

Step 4: Infrastructure Setup

Prepare the physical and digital infrastructure needed for AR. This includes high-speed internet, AR hardware (like headsets or mobile devices), and any necessary physical installations or markers at the venue.

Step 5: Testing & Iteration

Test the AR implementation thoroughly before the event to troubleshoot and refine. Ensure that every element works smoothly and that attendee interaction is intuitive and engaging.

Step 6: Staff Training

Train staff and volunteers on how to assist attendees with the AR features. They should know how to operate the technology and help users navigate any potential issues.

Step 7: Promotion

Promote the AR elements of the event in advance to create anticipation. Use multimedia marketing campaigns to tease the AR experiences and explain how attendees can participate.

Step 8: On-site Support

Provide on-site support during the event to assist attendees with using the AR features. Have knowledgeable staff available to answer questions and resolve any technical difficulties.

Step 9: Feedback Collection

Gather feedback from attendees regarding their AR experience during and after the event. Use surveys, interviews, or digital analytics to understand what worked and what can be improved.

Step 10: Post-Event Analysis

Analyze the data and feedback collected to assess the impact of the AR features. Determine if the objectives were met and identify lessons learned for future events.

General Notes

Budget Considerations

Keep in mind the budget for integrating AR during the early planning stages to ensure it aligns with the overall event funding.

Audience Awareness

Consider the demographic and tech-savviness of your audience when choosing the complexity and type of AR experiences to offer.

Legal Compliance

Ensure that all AR content complies with copyright laws and regulations, especially when using third-party assets or intellectual property.