Organizing Pre-Event Mixers

This playbook outlines the steps required to organize successful pre-event networking mixers, aimed at creating an engaging platform for attendees, speakers, and sponsors to interact and build connections before the main event.

Step 1: Planning

Identify the goals, target audience, and desired outcomes for the networking mixer. Choose a suitable date, time, and location that compliments the main event schedule.

Step 2: Budgeting

Create a detailed budget plan covering all potential costs such as venue, catering, entertainment, and logistics. Ensure sponsorship opportunities are leveraged to offset costs.

Step 3: Invitations

Design and send out invitations to the target attendee list well in advance. Include speakers and sponsors in the invitee list to ensure high-profile networking opportunities.

Step 4: Venue Setup

Arrange the mixer venue to foster interaction, with areas designated for food and drinks, casual chats, and formal networking. Consider layout, signage, and any theme decorations.

Step 5: Entertainment

Book entertainment that aligns with the event's objectives and the preferences of attendees. This could range from live music to interactive activities or icebreakers.

Step 6: Catering

Coordinate with caterers to provide a selection of food and beverages that cater to various dietary restrictions and preferences.

Step 7: Registration

Set up a registration process for tracking attendance. Use name tags or a digital app to facilitate introductions and connection building during the mixer.

Step 8: Promotion

Promote the mixer through social media, email marketing, and during the main event announcements to maximize attendance and anticipation.

Step 9: Staff Briefing

Brief all staff and volunteers on their roles and responsibilities during the mixer to ensure smooth operations and a welcoming atmosphere for guests.

Step 10: Post-Mixer Follow-up

After the mixer, send thank-you notes to attendees, speakers, and sponsors. Request feedback to gather insights for future events and share any follow-up opportunities or materials.

General Notes

Contingency Plan

Develop a contingency plan to address potential issues such as inclement weather, no-show vendors, or last-minute changes in attendance.

COVID-19 Compliance

Ensure that all aspects of the mixer comply with current local COVID-19 health and safety guidelines to protect all participants.