Event Email Marketing

This playbook describes the process of creating and executing email marketing campaigns aimed at engaging potential attendees and providing them with information about an event.

Step 1: Define Objectives

Determine the goals of the email marketing campaign, such as increasing event awareness, driving event registrations, or keeping potential attendees informed.

Step 2: Identify Audience

Segment your audience based on various criteria like past event attendance, demographics, or interests to ensure relevant and personalized communication.

Step 3: Develop Content

Create compelling email content that highlights the value of the event, key speakers, or unique opportunities. Ensure the content aligns with the campaign's objectives and speaks to the targeted audience.

Step 4: Design Emails

Use a responsive design for the emails to ensure they are accessible on various devices. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and make sure the design is visually appealing and on-brand.

Step 5: Test Campaign

Perform A/B testing with different elements of the emails, such as subject lines or content layouts, to see what resonates best with the audience and optimizes engagement.

Step 6: Schedule Delivery

Determine the best times to send the emails based on audience location and behavior. Schedule the campaign to maximize open rates and engagement.

Step 7: Monitor Performance

Use analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Monitor the campaign's performance and make adjustments if necessary.

Step 8: Follow Up

After the initial email(s), send follow-up messages to keep potential attendees engaged, provide more information, or offer incentives to register for the event.

Step 9: Evaluate Results

Post-event, evaluate the success of the email marketing campaign by reviewing the set objectives against the achieved metrics, such as attendance rates and engagement.

General Notes

Legal Compliance

Ensure that the email marketing campaign is compliant with applicable email regulations such as the CAN-SPAM Act or GDPR, including providing a clear opt-out mechanism.

Sensitive Timing

Be mindful of global events or local incidents that may affect the reception of your marketing materials. Delay or adjust campaigns as needed to be sensitive to your audience.

Database Management

Maintain a clean and updated email database to improve deliverability and relevance. Regularly remove bounced emails and manage unsubscribe requests promptly.