Crafting an Event Press Release

This playbook outlines the steps to write an effective press release for an event. It is designed to help ensure media interest and coverage by following a structured approach.

Step 1: Goal Definition

Determine the key message and objectives of the press release. Decide what you want to achieve and the main point you want the readers, especially the media, to take away.

Step 2: Audience Targeting

Identify and understand the target audience for your event. Tailoring the press release to the interests and needs of this audience can greatly increase its effectiveness.

Step 3: Newsworthy Angle

Find a newsworthy angle that will make your event stand out. This could be a special guest, a unique feature of the event, or its relevance to current news.

Step 4: Draft Outline

Create a rough outline of your press release structure. This should include the headline, introduction, body, and boilerplate.

Step 5: Write Headline

Compose a strong, clear, and compelling headline that captures the essence of your event and grabs the reader's attention.

Step 6: Introduction

Write the introductory paragraph summarizing the event and its significance. Include the who, what, when, where, and why of your event.

Step 7: Body Content

Develop the body of your press release. Provide detailed information about the event, including quotes from organizers or notable attendees, and any other relevant details that highlight the event’s appeal.

Step 8: Boilerplate

Add the boilerplate text that provides background information about the organizing body or company. Include contact information for press inquiries.

Step 9: Proofread

Thoroughly proofread your press release for spelling, grammar, and factual errors. Make sure the information is clear and concise.

Step 10: Distribute

Send out your press release to the identified media outlets and contacts. Utilize both email and press release distribution services as needed.

Step 11: Follow-up

Follow up with the media contacts to ensure they received the press release and to offer any additional information or a potential interview with event organizers.

General Notes


Ideally, distribute your press release at least 2-3 weeks before the event to allow media outlets enough time to cover your story.


Including high-quality images or videos with your press release can significantly improve its chances of gaining attention.


Offer exclusives to specific journalists or media outlets for a more enticing story and coverage possibility.