Creating Ethical Wills

This guide provides steps for writing an ethical will, which is a document designed to pass on personal values, beliefs, and reflections. It is not legally binding but serves as a complement to the legal will, conveying emotional and ethical legacies.

Step 1: Reflect

Spend time reflecting on your life experiences, values, and lessons learned. Consider the most important messages and beliefs you want to pass on.

Step 2: Outline

Create an outline of your ethical will, organizing your thoughts into categories such as family history, personal beliefs, life lessons, and hopes for the future.

Step 3: Draft

Begin writing the draft of your ethical will based on the outline. Write in your own voice and be sincere and direct as you share your personal messages.

Step 4: Review

Review your first draft and make any adjustments or additions. It is often helpful to put the document aside for some time and then review it again with fresh eyes.

Step 5: Personalize

Add personal touches to your ethical will such as quotes, stories, or important memories that highlight your legacy and values.

Step 6: Share

Consider sharing your ethical will with trusted individuals for feedback. This could be family members, friends, or a professional advisor.

Step 7: Finalize

Incorporate any feedback you've received and finalize your ethical will. Proofread it carefully for clarity and impact.

Step 8: Preserve

Determine how you want to preserve and share your ethical will. You may choose to have it professionally printed, stored digitally, or kept with your legal documents.

Step 9: Present

Decide on the appropriate time to present your ethical will to your loved ones, if desired. This could be during a significant family gathering or as part of the reading of your legal will.

General Notes


Consider consulting with a professional, such as a counselor or spiritual advisor, during the writing process for additional guidance and to ensure your ethical will encapsulates your true intentions.