Palliative Care Guide

This playbook provides a sequence of steps to understand palliative care options and outlines how to discuss and arrange for these services. It is designed to aid individuals seeking comfort-oriented medical care.

Step 1: Research

Learn about palliative care by researching reliable sources such as medical journals, healthcare providers, and reputable websites specializing in healthcare information.

Step 2: Assess Needs

Evaluate your medical condition or that of your loved one to determine the type of care needed. Consider factors like pain management, emotional support, and daily living assistance.

Step 3: Consult Doctor

Schedule an appointment with your primary healthcare provider to discuss the possibility of including palliative care in your treatment plan.

Step 4: Explore Options

Discuss different palliative care options with your doctor, including at-home care, outpatient services, and palliative care units within hospitals.

Step 5: Decision Making

Involve family members and loved ones in the decision-making process regarding the initiation of palliative care services.

Step 6: Plan Care

Work with healthcare professionals to create a palliative care plan that meets your specific needs, focusing on quality of life and aligning with personal healthcare goals.

Step 7: Arrange Services

Once a care plan is established, coordinate with the healthcare team to arrange palliative care services, which may involve scheduling, financial planning, and acquiring necessary support and resources.

Step 8: Follow-Up

Regularly review and adjust the palliative care plan with healthcare providers to ensure it continues to meet your needs as they change over time.

General Notes

Insurance Coverage

Verify insurance coverage for palliative care services to understand any out-of-pocket costs or limitations in service coverage.

Support Systems

Identify local support systems, including counseling services, support groups, or community resources, to assist with the emotional aspects of palliative care.

Legal Documents

Prepare or update legal documents such as advance directives, living wills, and healthcare proxies to reflect your palliative care wishes.