Caregiver Support Directory

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to create a directory of support groups, online forums, and other resources for caregivers of the elderly. The aim is to provide caregivers with access to stress management resources and community support.

Step 1: Research

Identify and compile a list of existing support groups, online forums, and resources that specifically assist caregivers of the elderly. Include both local and digital options to cater to various needs and preferences.

Step 2: Verification

Verify each resource for relevance and authenticity. Ensure contact information is up to date and organizations are actively offering support.

Step 3: Categorization

Organize the resources into categories based on type (support group, forum, etc.), location, and specific issues they address such as legal assistance, emotional support, or medical care advice.

Step 4: Contact Designees

Reach out to the administrators or designated contacts of the resources to inform them about their inclusion in the directory and gather any additional information that could benefit caregivers.

Step 5: Compilation

Compile the information into a coherent and easily navigable directory. Consider creating separate sections for different categories and including a brief description of each resource.

Step 6: Review

Review the directory for accuracy, ease of use, and completeness. Get feedback from a small group of caregivers who can test its usefulness and suggest improvements.

Step 7: Publication

Publish the finalized directory in various formats such as online, print, and as downloadable PDFs to ensure it is accessible to all caregivers.

Step 8: Promotion

Promote the directory through community centers, hospitals, clinics, social media, and any other platforms where caregivers are likely to seek information.

General Notes

Regular Updates

Ensure the directory is kept up to date with regular checks for new resources, changes in contact information, and the relevancy of existing listings.


Consider the accessibility of the directory for people with disabilities, ensuring it is available in multiple formats and compliant with accessibility standards.

Feedback Mechanism

Include a way for caregivers to provide feedback on the resources and suggest new ones, allowing the directory to evolve based on community needs.