Smart Board Integration

This playbook outlines the steps for integrating smart boards into classroom settings. It covers the setup, benefits of usage, and examples of interactive activities designed to improve educational outcomes.

Step 1: Preparation

Research and purchase a smart board that fits the teaching needs and room specifications. Ensure the board is compatible with existing devices and software in the classroom.

Step 2: Installation

Set up the smart board following the manufacturer's guidelines. This includes securely mounting the board, connecting it to a power source, and linking it with the teacher's computer or tablet.

Step 3: Software Setup

Install any necessary software provided by the smart board manufacturer on the connected computer or tablet. Ensure the software is up-to-date and licensed.

Step 4: Connectivity Test

Test the smart board's connectivity with the computer or tablet. Verify that all interactive features function correctly, including touch and pen input.

Step 5: Training

Familiarize yourself with the smart board's features and functions through training materials, tutorials, or workshops provided by the manufacturer or educational technology specialists.

Step 6: Lesson Planning

Prepare lesson plans that incorporate the smart board. Design interactive activities that utilize the board's features to engage students and enrich the learning experience.

Step 7: Class Integration

Introduce the smart board to students, explaining its purpose and how it will be used in lessons. Begin integrating the smart board into daily classroom activities and monitor student responses.

Step 8: Feedback Collection

Collect feedback from students concerning their experiences with the smart board. Adjust the usage and activities based on their responses to enhance learning outcomes.

General Notes


Regularly clean the smart board and check for software updates to ensure its performance and longevity in the classroom setting.


Make use of technical support from the smart board manufacturer for any troubleshooting needs or to learn about advanced features.