Flipping the Classroom

This playbook outlines the steps to implement a flipped classroom model using educational technology. It focuses on replacing traditional lectures with video content and interactive online activities to engage students in a more dynamic learning experience.

Step 1: Plan Content

Identify the curriculum topics to be covered and outline learning objectives. Determine which materials and concepts are better suited for in-class activities versus home study.

Step 2: Create Videos

Produce video lectures covering the content students need to learn outside of class. Ensure videos are clear, concise, and engaging. Use visuals and interactive elements to enhance understanding.

Step 3: Online Platform

Choose an online platform where students can access the video lectures, submit assignments, and participate in discussions. The platform should be user-friendly and accessible.

Step 4: Design Activities

Develop interactive in-class activities that complement the video lectures. Activities should encourage higher-order thinking skills and application of the learned material.

Step 5: Inform Students

Explain the flipped classroom model to students. Provide clear instructions on how to access and interact with the online materials, emphasizing the importance of coming prepared to class.

Step 6: Implement Model

Begin implementing the flipped classroom model. Monitor student engagement and progress through both online and in-class components.

Step 7: Feedback Loop

Regularly collect feedback from students on the effectiveness of the flipped classroom. Use this feedback to make adjustments to video content, online activities, and in-class sessions for continuous improvement.

General Notes

Technical Support

Ensure that both students and faculty have access to technical support for using the online platform. Technical difficulties should not hinder the learning process.

Professional Development

Provide instructors with professional development on the flipped classroom model and the educational technology tools they will be using to create and share online content.