Creating Digital Assignments

This playbook outlines the process of developing digital assignments and assessments, detailing the steps to utilize online tools for quizzes and submission platforms effectively.

Step 1: Planning

Determine the learning objectives and outcomes for the digital assignment or assessment. Decide on the tools and platforms that are best suited to meet these objectives.

Step 2: Design

Based on the objectives, design the assignment or assessment's structure. Choose the type of questions for quizzes (multiple-choice, short answer, etc.) and format for assignments (essay, project, report).

Step 3: Development

Create the content for the assignment or assessment using the chosen platform. Input all questions and materials, and set up the correct answers and scoring system if applicable.

Step 4: Integration

Integrate the digital assignment with the learning management system (LMS) or other digital platforms used by the institution. Ensure that students have access and can submit their work.

Step 5: Testing

Perform tests to make sure everything works as intended. This includes navigating the assignment as a student, checking the scoring system, and ensuring the submissions are correctly recorded.

Step 6: Launch

Once tested, roll out the assignment or assessment to the students. Provide clear instructions on how to access it, complete it, and the deadline for submissions.

Step 7: Support

Be available to provide technical support and guidance to students having difficulties with the digital tools. Monitor for any issues and be responsive to student inquiries.

Step 8: Review

After the submission deadline has passed, review the submissions for completeness and quality. Provide feedback to students and assess their performance based on the set criteria.

General Notes

Feedback Iteration

Based on the outcome of the initial roll-out, make necessary adjustments to the assignments or assessments for future iterations.

Legal Compliance

Ensure that all digital materials and platforms comply with educational standards and privacy laws (such as FERPA in the United States).


Verify that all assignments and assessments are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities, and meet the required accessibility standards (such as WCAG).