Kids' Personal Finance Education

This playbook outlines strategies and exercises aimed at teaching children basic money management concepts to promote early financial literacy.

Step 1: Explanation

Discuss the concept of money with the child. Explain how money is earned, spent, saved, and why it is important for making exchanges.

Step 2: Earning Money

Create opportunities for the child to earn money, such as completing chores or tasks that are above their usual responsibilities.

Step 3: Budgeting

Introduce budgeting by helping the child plan how they will use their earned money, emphasizing the importance of saving and thoughtful spending.

Step 4: Setting Goals

Encourage the child to set financial goals, such as saving for a toy or donating to a charity, and create a timeline and plan for achieving these goals.

Step 5: Savings Account

If appropriate, help the child open a savings account to teach them about banking and interest. Demonstrate how money can grow over time with consistent saving.

Step 6: Smart Shopping

Teach comparison shopping by leading the child through the process of comparing prices and values of items they wish to purchase, looking for deals and discounts when appropriate.

Step 7: Monitoring Expenses

Guide the child in tracking their spending and saving habits over time to understand the flow of money and the consequences of their financial decisions.

General Notes

Age Appropriateness

Tailor the complexity of each concept to the child's age and understanding, progressively introducing more complicated ideas as they grow.


Maintain regular discussions and activities related to money management to establish and reinforce good financial habits.

Positive Reinforcement

Offer praise and encouragement when the child makes smart financial decisions to motivate continued learning and interest.