Advanced Photo Manipulation

This playbook describes the steps for performing advanced photo manipulation techniques. It outlines the process of combining images, performing color grading, and adding visual effects using Adobe Photoshop.

Step 1: Open Photoshop

Launch Adobe Photoshop on your computer to begin the photo editing process.

Step 2: Import Images

Open the images you want to manipulate. Go to File > Open, then select the images and click Open.

Step 3: Combine Images

Use layers to combine images. Drag one image onto another using the Move Tool to stack them. Adjust the layers' blend modes and opacity to blend images seamlessly.

Step 4: Masking

Utilize layer masks to hide and reveal portions of the images. Select the layer, then click the Add layer mask button. Use the Brush Tool to paint over the areas you want to modify.

Step 5: Color Grading

Adjust colors using Adjustment Layers. For color grading, you may use Curves, Hue/Saturation, or Color Balance adjustment layers to enhance or alter the mood of the combined images.

Step 6: Add Effects

Introduce visual effects using the Filter menu. You can add blurs, sharpening, textures, or other artistic effects to enhance the visual appeal of the image.

Step 7: Fine-Tune

Refine the image by making minor adjustments to layer masks, filters, and adjustment layers. Ensure all elements appear coherent in the final composite.

Step 8: Export

Once satisfied with the manipulation, export the final image. Go to File > Export > Export As and choose the desired file format and quality settings.

General Notes


Always try to use non-destructive editing techniques where possible, such as using adjustment layers and smart filters, to preserve the original image data.


Learn and use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow in Photoshop.

Regular Saves

Save your work regularly to prevent data loss. Use File > Save As to create versions and avoid overwriting original files.