Secure Network Design

This playbook outlines the steps for designing network architectures with a focus on security. It includes recommendations for using segregation, defining network zones, and employing secure communication protocols to enhance protection.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment of your current network, including identifying all devices, understanding traffic flow, recognizing sensitive data, and cataloging existing security measures.

Step 2: Requirements

Determine security requirements based on company policy, legal regulations, and risk analysis. Define what needs to be protected and to what degree.

Step 3: Network Segregation

Design network segregation strategies to reduce access between network segments. Utilize firewalls and Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) to control traffic and create barriers.

Step 4: Define Zones

Define network zones based on function, data sensitivity, and security requirements. Common zones include Public, External, Internal, DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), and Secure Zones.

Step 5: Secure Protocols

Select and implement secure communication protocols. Prioritize encrypted protocols like HTTPS, SSH, and TLS, and phase out insecure protocols like HTTP and FTP.

Step 6: Access Management

Establish strict access controls and authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users and devices can connect to network segments or zones.

Step 7: Monitoring

Implement a network monitoring solution to detect suspicious activity, unauthorized access, or potential breaches. Regularly audit and adjust security settings.

Step 8: Testing & Validation

Regularly test your network security through penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and mock exercises. Validate that the security measures are effective and adjust as needed.

Step 9: Documentation

Document your network architecture, security policies, procedures, and any changes made. Documentation aids in maintenance and future security assessments.

Step 10: Training

Provide training to staff on network security best practices, incident response, and the specific security features of your network. Continual education helps maintain a secure network environment.

General Notes

Review Cycles

Network designs should be reviewed regularly to ensure they remain secure against emerging threats and incorporate the latest security technologies and strategies.


Ensure your network design complies with relevant industry standards and regulatory requirements, such as ISO/IEC 27001, HIPAA, or GDPR.