APT Defense Strategy

This playbook describes a series of steps aimed at recognizing and defending against Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). APTs are cyber threats with the intent to gain prolonged access to a network to extract sensitive information.

Step 1: Awareness

Ensure all team members are aware of the potential risks and indicators of an APT. Regularly conduct training sessions to keep the knowledge up-to-date.

Step 2: Assessment

Perform a thorough assessment of the network to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an APT. This includes software updates, weak passwords, and unprotected network entry points.

Step 3: Monitoring

Implement a 24/7 monitoring solution to detect unusual network activities. This should involve setting up intrusion detection systems (IDS) and security incident event management (SIEM) systems.

Step 4: Access Control

Employ strict access control measures. Limit user privileges and enforce the use of strong, unique passwords. Implement multi-factor authentication where possible.

Step 5: Segmentation

Divide the network into segments to contain compromises and reduce the attack surface. This prevents an attacker from easily moving laterally across the network.

Step 6: Update Systems

Regularly update all systems and software to patch vulnerabilities. This includes operating systems, applications, and any third-party software used.

Step 7: Backup Data

Back up critical data regularly with a robust protocol. Ensure backups are stored off-site and are recoverable in case of an attack.

Step 8: Incident Response

Develop and maintain an incident response plan. This plan should include steps to be taken in case of a suspected APT attack, roles and responsibilities, and communication strategies.

Step 9: Forensics

In the event of a breach, perform a forensic analysis to understand the APT's tactics and improve defense mechanisms. This should be done by specialized security personnel.

Step 10: Continuous Review

Consistently review and enhance security policies and practices, taking into account the latest threats and technological advancements.

General Notes


Work cooperatively with other businesses and governmental agencies. Sharing information on threats can lead to better security across the board.

Threat Intelligence

Subscribe to threat intelligence services to receive timely information about emerging APTs and other cyber threats.

Legal Compliance

Ensure that all your security practices are in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards.