Social Media Crisis Management

This playbook outlines a structured approach for handling negative publicity and misinformation on social media during a crisis. It provides a step-by-step guide on managing the situation effectively to mitigate reputation damage and miscommunication.

Step 1: Monitoring

Regularly monitor all social media channels for keywords and mentions related to the crisis to gauge public sentiment and identify misinformation.

Step 2: Assessment

Assess the severity of the situation based on the social media activity, understanding the scale and potential impact of the negative publicity or misinformation.

Step 3: Strategy

Develop a crisis communication strategy that includes key messages, targeted audience segments, and a timeline. This strategy should aim to address the concerns of the public while correcting any misinformation.

Step 4: Response Team

Assemble a crisis response team, assigning specific roles and responsibilities to manage the crisis on different social media platforms.

Step 5: Official Statement

Craft an official statement or a series of statements to address the crisis head-on, with transparent, factual information to counteract any misinformation.

Step 6: Engagement

Engage with the audience by responding to comments, direct messages, and posts in a timely and diplomatic manner. Prioritize high-impact interactions.

Step 7: Updates

Provide regular updates on the situation as it develops, maintaining transparency and demonstrating control over the resolution process.

Step 8: Review & Adapt

Monitor the effectiveness of the crisis management efforts and adapt the strategy as needed, based on ongoing monitoring and assessment.

Step 9: Follow-Up

After the crisis has been managed, follow up with a post-crisis analysis to understand what worked, what didn't, and how to improve for future incidents.

General Notes


Ensure that all members of the crisis response team are trained and prepared to handle a social media crisis before one occurs.

Legal Considerations

Consult with legal advisors to ensure that all public statements and actions taken comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Post-Crisis Support

Consider providing support to affected parties and communicating these efforts on social media to rebuild trust and goodwill.