Crisis Leadership Playbook

This playbook outlines critical steps for leading an organization through a crisis. It emphasizes maintaining team morale and making sound decisions under pressure.

Step 1: Assess Situation

Gather all relevant information to understand the scope and impact of the crisis. Identify immediate threats and prioritize issues based on urgency and severity.

Step 2: Form Team

Assemble a crisis management team with clear roles and responsibilities. Ensure the team includes members with diverse skills and perspectives.

Step 3: Communicate

Develop a communication plan to regularly inform stakeholders of the situation's status, actions taken, and any changes. Transparency is vital.

Step 4: Devise Plan

Create a strategic plan with short-term and long-term goals to navigate through the crisis. Include contingency measures for unexpected developments.

Step 5: Implement Actions

Begin executing the action plan. Allocate resources efficiently and ensure that team members understand their tasks and the expected outcomes.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

Continuously monitor the outcomes of actions taken. Adjust the plan as necessary based on new information or changing conditions.

Step 7: Support Team

Provide regular support and guidance to the team. Protect their well-being and acknowledge their efforts to maintain morale.

Step 8: Make Decisions

Be prepared to make difficult decisions quickly. Base decisions on a mix of intuition, experience, and the latest available information.

Step 9: Review & Adapt

After the crisis subsides, review the response to understand what worked and what didn't. Adapt policies and procedures to improve future preparedness.

General Notes


In all steps, practice empathy. Understanding the emotional impact of the crisis on everyone involved is key to effective leadership.


Leaders should practice self-care to maintain their own health and decision-making capabilities, setting a strong example for their team.