Crisis De-escalation Playbook

This playbook outlines strategies and techniques for de-escalating crises and resolving tensions peacefully. It provides a step-by-step guide to manage potentially volatile situations with a calm and composed approach.

Step 1: Assess Situation

Carefully observe and assess the situation to understand the level of threat and the underlying issues. Identify the individuals involved and the immediate risks to safety.

Step 2: Stay Calm

Maintain a calm demeanor. Your body language, tone of voice, and overall presence should communicate non-aggression and openness.

Step 3: Active Listening

Engage with the individual(s) in crisis by actively listening to their concerns. Show empathy and understanding without judgment.

Step 4: Clear Communication

Communicate clearly and directly. Use simple language and be honest. Avoid jargon, complicated instructions, or anything that could be misinterpreted.

Step 5: Build Rapport

Establish a connection with the individual(s) by finding common ground or shared interests. This can help in creating a cooperative dynamic.

Step 6: De-escalate

Use de-escalation techniques such as offering options instead of demands, allowing the individual to vent, and reassuring them that you are there to help.

Step 7: Ensure Safety

Take necessary steps to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Remove any immediate threats or dangerous objects if possible.

Step 8: Request Assistance

If the situation escalates beyond your ability to manage, do not hesitate to request additional assistance from trained professionals.

Step 9: Follow Up

After the situation is under control, follow up with the individuals to provide additional support, resources, or referrals as needed.

General Notes


De-escalation can be emotionally taxing. Practitioners should ensure they are taking care of their own mental health and seeking support after intense encounters.


Regular training and refreshers in crisis intervention and de-escalation tactics are recommended to maintain proficiency in these skills.


Document the incident thoroughly after it has been resolved. Accurate and detailed records help in analysis and in improving future crisis management.