Event Networking Strategies

This playbook outlines strategies for participants to enhance networking at corporate events. It details ways for attendees to connect with others and improve the overall networking experience.

Step 1: Preparation

Research the event and its attendees. Prepare a brief introduction about yourself, and identify specific individuals or types of professionals you want to connect with.

Step 2: Engagement

Engage with other participants actively during the event. Start conversations, ask open-ended questions, and join group discussions.

Step 3: Follow-Up

After initial contact, ensure to collect contact information and follow up with new connections post-event via email or social media.

Step 4: Contribution

Offer value to your new connections by sharing resources, introducing them to others, or providing helpful insights related to their interests.

Step 5: Utilize Technology

Make use of event apps, social media, and other networking tools to connect with attendees before, during, and after the event.

General Notes


Maintain a positive and open attitude throughout the event to seem approachable to others.


Practice active listening when engaging in conversations to build stronger connections and demonstrate your interest in others.

Social Etiquette

Be mindful of social cues and respectful of others' time and space while networking.