Egg Poaching Mastery

This playbook provides a comprehensive guide to poaching eggs, offering a step-by-step approach with tips for perfect consistency and solutions to common poaching problems.

Step 1: Preparation

Fill a deep saucepan with about 3 inches of water and add a small splash of vinegar. Heat the water over medium heat until it reaches a gentle simmer, where small bubbles rise to the surface but are not breaking.

Step 2: Crack Eggs

Carefully crack each egg into a small cup or bowl, making sure not to break the yolks.

Step 3: Create Vortex

Stir the water in a circular motion with a spoon to create a gentle whirlpool. This helps the egg white wrap around the yolk.

Step 4: Poach Eggs

Gently slide the eggs into the simmering water one at a time. Let them cook for about 3 to 4 minutes, or until the whites are set and the yolks remain runny.

Step 5: Remove and Drain

Use a slotted spoon to carefully lift the eggs out of the water. Place them on a paper towel or clean dishcloth to drain off any excess water.

Step 6: Serve

Season the poached eggs with salt and pepper as desired, and serve immediately.

General Notes


Adding vinegar to the water helps the egg whites to coagulate more quickly, but too much can impart a vinegar taste to the eggs.

Simmering Water

Keeping the water at a gentle simmer is critical; if the water is boiling too vigorously, it can cause the eggs to break apart.

Fresh Eggs

Use the freshest eggs possible for poaching. Fresh eggs have firmer whites that hold together better in the water.


If the egg whites spread too much in the water, try poaching eggs in a small cup or poacher to help maintain their shape.