Crisis Communication Management

This playbook outlines the steps an organization should take to manage communications effectively during a crisis. It aims to mitigate the impact of the crisis and maintain trust with stakeholders.

Step 1: Preparation

Establish a crisis communication plan that includes a designated spokesperson, clear protocols for internal and external communication, and pre-approved messages for various scenarios.

Step 2: Response Team

Assemble a crisis response team with members from key departments. This team should coordinate all communication efforts and make critical decisions.

Step 3: Fact Gathering

Collect all the facts about the crisis. Verify the information accuracy before communication to avoid misinformation.

Step 4: Stakeholder Analysis

Identify and prioritize stakeholders, such as employees, customers, investors, and the media, and determine the impact of the crisis on each group.

Step 5: Message Crafting

Develop a clear, concise, and transparent message acknowledging the crisis, explaining the steps taken, and what is expected moving forward.

Step 6: Channel Selection

Choose the appropriate communication channels for each stakeholder group. This may include press releases, social media, email, or press conferences.

Step 7: Communication

Communicate the messages through selected channels, making sure to address concerns and empathize with those affected by the crisis.

Step 8: Monitoring

Monitor the situation and public response closely. Adjust the strategy and messaging if needed as the situation evolves.

Step 9: Feedback Loop

Set up a feedback loop allowing stakeholders to ask questions or express concerns, demonstrating an open and transparent communication process.

Step 10: Post-Crisis Review

After the crisis, conduct a review to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication strategy and identify any areas for improvement.

General Notes


Regularly train the crisis response team and spokesperson in crisis communication to ensure preparedness.

Legal Compliance

Ensure all communications comply with legal and regulatory requirements.


Maintain confidentiality and be cautious about sharing sensitive information that could escalate the crisis.